Leading international innovators look into the future of blockchain, wearables, IoT, AI, chatbots, mobile, HCE and more in this 104-page special report from the NFC World team which examines the latest payments trends and technologies from around the world.
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Tokenization can now be considered an essential enabler for expanding the commerce world, says Rob Macmillan from Proxama, as the promise of the Internet of Things continues to drive the growth of payment-enabled devices.
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Join NFC World, Proxama and prepaid payments processor Tutuka to get real-world insight into the practical issues involved in implementing a host card emulation (HCE) based mobile payment service in the cloud.
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In this edition of The Mobile Wallet Report we reveal how Weve has set out its vision for a loyalty-led mobile wallet — without support for payments; how marketing technology provider Vibes’ annual Mobile Wallet Consumer Report supports Weve’s viewpoint; how a MasterCard debit card with a built-in LCD display has proven popular among customers of Poland’s Getin Bank, despite the bank charging customers for the cards; and more…
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Join NFC World’s editor and speakers from Smartrac, Proxama, Tapit and Thinaire for an in-depth guide to how retailers can take advantage of NFC — beyond payments.
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