NFCW is home to the world’s largest community of contactless technology buyers and suppliers, with more than 13,000 members located in 152+ countries — all actively interested in learning about new products and services and the latest trends in the market.
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This seven-page white paper explains how NFC tags with an embedded digital signature can provide protection against counterfeiting and grey market goods right through the supply chain — from the factory, through the distribution chain to the retailer and the consumer.
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This six-page brochure explains the features, benefits and applications of NXP’s latest secure NFC tags.
Inside you’ll learn about the NTAG 424 DNA and the NTAG 424 DNA TagTamper, including 13 key features, five major benefits and eight application areas that are targeted because of the tags’ state-of-the-art in-built security and privacy protection.
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