The Mobile Wallet Report, 24 March 2014

The Mobile Wallet Report, 24 March 2014

In this edition of The Mobile Wallet Report we examine Isis v MCX — The battle begins for the US mobile payments market; Burger King to roll out mobile payments and rewards across the US, prepares to go global; Biometric payments get thumbs up from French shoppers; and more…

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The Mobile Wallet Report, 17 March 2014

The Mobile Wallet Report, 17 March 2014

This edition of The Mobile Wallet Report looks at how China’s central bank put the brakes on local internet giants’ mobile payment plans, and why Denmark’s carriers think that mobile payments are a business for telcos, not banks.

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The Mobile Wallet Report, 11 February 2014

The Mobile Wallet Report, 11 February 2014

A Dutch theme park explains why it is an early adopter of Bluetooth beacons, Starbucks’ CEO outlines his mobile payment vision, and Apple’s chief exec signals interest at iPhone maker’s payments opportunity…

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