Borica Bankservice’s Bogdan Stavrev explains how Bulgaria’s new Mobb national mobile payments platform works, a national mobile payments service to launch in Colombia this year, and BNP Paribas Fortis’s Gunter Uytterhoeven explains how the new Belgian Mobile Wallet platform has been designed to meet merchants’ needs.
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In this edition of The Mobile Wallet Report we reveal how the launch of Apple’s new iPhones and iOS7 gives a major boost to Bluetooth Low Energy technology and fingerprint biometrics; PayPal is to offer merchants a Bluetooth LE device with WiFi capability to process “hands-free payments”; a second Luxembourg bank integrates low-cost mobile payments platform Digicash into its mobile banking service; and more…
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In this 17-page edition of The Mobile Wallet Report we cover: Google takes its wallet to the cloud; PayPal hits 250,000 stores, invests in merchant upgrades; Alternatives to both NFC and QR begin to gain traction; and more…
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